Make the grid the new highways of Europe

Joint Letter

Together with 6 other associations working to electrify and decarbonise the economy, SolarPower Europe is calling for more political attention to be directed towards the grid.

The EU economy is moving towards electrification across systems and sectors, from energy to industry, transport, heating and cooling or the built environment. Markets for electric vehicles (cars, vans, trucks and buses), as well as heat pumps (residential and industrial) and the renewables that will power them are growing at an unprecedented pace. Clean tech is becoming the bedrock of Europe’s economy. 


What’s their point in common? They’re all connected to the power grid. Transmission and distribution-level grids are the glue of these new energy systems and the backbone of the EU's global economic and technological competitiveness. Without appropriate grid infrastructure, grid optimization, or harmonised rules on grid access fit for the new energy landscape, there is no functioning market or investment attractiveness for the EV charging infrastructure industry, the heat pump industry or the solar and wind energy industry – technologies which are all represented under the Net-Zero Industry Act.


This makes the electricity grid the backbone of the Single Market and pillar of the EU industrial policy – as important as highways or digital infrastructure. 

Despite some progress in the last years, more needs to be done to improve the European electricity grid infrastructure. 


Read our solutions to make grid the new highways of Europe:

Make the grid the new highways of Europe

An EU High Representative for Grids. Incentivising better planning. Monitoring under the EU Semester. EU Financing. Europe-wide connection rules.

Read the joint letter now

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