
Interview with Eva Vandest, Amarenco Group

by - 12 January 2023
Interview with Chair of the Land Use and Permitting Workstream, Eva Vandest, Group Head of Public Affairs, Global Agrisolar Expert, Amarenco.

SolarPower Europe Workstreams are open to members of SolarPower Europe, and offer the opportunity to exchange, collaborate and shape the European solar industry's positions on key policy topics.


European ambition and goals for solar energy has increased exponentially to achieve the energy transition. In order to successfully achieve those targets, the solar sector has to be an example and leader in sustainable development, respectful of nature and European citizens. The Land Use and Permitting Workstream will share experience, expertise and recommendations to increase best practices in land management through a specific focus on biodiversity and dual-use business models like Agrisolar and Floating PV.

Why is this workstream important?

The Land Use & Permitting workstream is key for this emerging PV segment, which simultaneously tackles two major climate challenges, decarbonising electricity production and transitioning to sustainable food systems.

We are working to ensure Land Use & Permitting can fully contribute to the objectives European Green Deal, specifically those of the new Common Agricultural Policy, the REDIII, and the climate adaptation and biodiversity strategies. In this regard, it is key for solar developers, farmers, local communities, and all relevant stakeholders involved in Agrisolar business models to gather, share knowledge, and collaborate to design a strong framework and advocate for the best policy initiatives.

Why should companies join this workstream?

In a context where challenges are huge, objectives are high, and agenda is key, it is crucial to unite in a common direction, scaling up the best leading examples and practices and boosting others.

At the same time, the diversity of available business cases should be represented to increase knowledge, learn from other experiences, and improve the outlook for the sector overall.

What will the future of land use and permitting look like?

The future of the Land Use & Permitting sector in Europe looks bright, but it must be built on continued collaboration between the solar and agriculture sectors. Together we must develop the best business cases for electricity and food production, promoting designs adapted to the broad variety of agricultural practices, and integrating environmental and social standards.


A trans-sectorial approach is key to embrace the challenge of climate change and its consequences. By supporting Land Use & Permitting, European institutions and member states could make it a fantastic example of European innovation for the climate.