Interview with Torsten Knop, EON - Chair of the Grids & Flexibility Workstream

Why is this workstream important?
The Grids & Flexibility Workstream focuses on promoting the best solutions for the system integration of solar PV. All members share the objective of maximising the acceleration of the deployment of solar PV. In understanding the requirements of the different actors present in the workstream, we can recommend efficient regulatory and technical solutions.

Why should companies join this workstream?
By joining the workstream, a company has the opportunity to influence the European legislative and regulatory framework. This not only contributes to an improved business environment, but also helps to realise necessary decarbonisation.
What will the future of the Grids & Flexibility Workstream look like?
We will continue to focus on the upcoming legislative and regulatory initiatives, like some aspects of the Market Design Package and new and revised Network Codes. In addition, we will bring the value of flexibility through solar PV closer to the traditional grid and system topics, which will emphasise the substantial contribution of solar PV to the operation of the electric system.