Reaching the EU’s climate, nature protection, and nature restoration objectives will require the mobilisation of land for renewable energy projects. It will be necessary to use appropriate regulatory frameworks to ensure that land is mobilised for solar deployment. Guidance and best practices on nature conservation and degraded ecosystem restoration are also required to reach both climate and nature protection objectives.
This report provides support to solar industry stakeholders, detailing relevant EU environmental legislation for solar projects. It also provides case studies from several EU Member States, highlighting how different EU nature rules are applied at the national level. These guidelines tackle the potential impacts of land usage and outline key actions for appropriate land identification for solar PV projects. These guidelines also provide best practice examples on nature-positive solar sites across the EU, and recommendations on how to incorporate environmental considerations across different solar PV project phases.

'Solar, Biodiversity, Land Use: Best Practice Guidelines' was developed through a series of workshops including a number of key actors in the biodiversity protection space, including BirdLife.
Acting as co-authors of the report, and in their role as world-leading experts in the conservation of birds, their habitats and global biodiversity, BirdLife provided invaluable consultation to this publication.
Download the report Solar, Biodiversity, Land Use: Best Practice Guidelines