The Conference was organised with the aim to bring businesses, investors, and public sector bodies together and catalyse renewable energy investments in Africa. The event was attended by over 300 delegates over three days, with day one dedicated to the topic of Green Hydrogen. There were notable keynote speeches from the likes of Ariane Labat from the European Union Delegation to South Africa and CEO of Eskom, André de Ruyter. Furthermore, the event facilitated B2B matchmaking with many networking meetings scheduled over the course of the summit.
During the event, SolarPower Europe’s International Cooperation team moderated a number of panel discussions focused on scaling investments and addressing the current challenges faced by the renewables sector in Africa. Alongside the sessions, Director of Global Affairs, Maté Heisz, and Emerging Markets Workstream Coordinator, Benjamin Clarke, met with our members and other key contacts to discuss our work and the opportunities for European companies investing in African renewables.
On day three, Norwegian solar development and investment company Empower New Energy (Empower) signed a landmark agreement to raise USD 74 million from a consortium led by Climate Fund Managers (CFM), manager of Climate Investor One (CIO). The partnership plans to develop, finance, own and operate an initial 150 MW of solar projects in Africa over the next three years.
The landmark agreement signed today will unlock significant opportunities in the C&I segment across Africa. This fund perfectly exemplifies the ethos of Africa Renewable Investment Summit, moving from talking about possibilities to catalysing game-changing investment to realise the massive renewable energy potential on the African continent.