To continue a super solar month, after Intersolar and the launch of three new reports (Global Market Outlook for Solar Power 2023-2027, Agrisolar Best Practice Guidelines Version 2 and Solar Cities: 21 solar solutions for the city energy transition), the SolarPower Europe team co-organised and participated in a number of engaging events as part of EUSEW.
These events included:

A high-level discussion on "RES-skilling”: How to address the renewable energy skills challenge? with European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson and our Regulatory Affairs expert Naomi Chevillard. "In 2021 we had 1.5 million #renewables workers in Europe. By 2030, to deliver #REPowerEU we need 3.5 million." - Naomi Chevillard
Our Policy Advisor, Jan Osenberg, took part in a discussion on renewables and energy efficiency with our Policy Advisor Jan Osenberg and MEP Ciarán Cuffe. Meanwhile our CEO Walburga Hemetsberger joined a debate on how to engage consumers in the energy transition alongside, Dr Jan Rosenow, and Monique Goyens (who also helped us celebrate #EuropenSolarDay before the session began - read more on that here.)
"We want to take people along in the energy transition & communicate the tangible benefits of solar." - Walburga Hemetsberger

We were pleased to take part in an important session on energy storage, organised by the Energy Storage Coalition, of which we are a partner with WindEurope, Breakthrough Energy and EASE - The European Association for Storage of Energy. We discussed the need for 200 GW of energy storage by 2030 to build up Europe's #SolarPowerHouse; we also need flexibility, incentives and to co-locate solar and storage in order to reach 24/7 renewables.
A debate on the next steps for the Green Deal Industrial Plan took place with our Policy Director Dries Acke, alongside Thomas Nowak, Secretary General of the European Heat Pump Association, Kira Taylor, Energy and Environment reporter at EURACTIV and Jacek Truszczynski, deputy Head of Unit 'Green and Circular Economy' at the European Commission.
Dries stated: "Who thinks China’s industrial planning is technology-neutral? Industrial policy is about focus. Let’s focus on strengthening where we need it – the deep part of the solar value chain."

A discussion on accelerated renewable areas and best practices for site identification took place with our Land Use and Permitting Workstream Chair, Eva Vandest. Eva talked about Amarenco Group's work, noting: "We talk a lot about constraints & land competition...we are focusing on solutions & inventing new business models....we want to assist the agricultural sector."
We're looking forward to our next #EUSEW, and to continuing to make our mark at the biggest annual event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe!